about energy healing

to learn more about energy healing and jakki’s practice, here is an excerpt from an article published on goop in january 2019.


Tools of a Soul Seeker:  Connect To Your Soul’s Voice Through Energy Work

Life offers us an ongoing series of opportunities for growth that we often experience in the form of questions: I have an amazing career, why am I unfulfilled? Is this relationship right for me? What do I say to the parent whose kid is bullying my kid? Why is this [insert your problem here] happening to me? Most of the time, we don’t have a ready answer. We are riddled with doubt and fear. We gather as much information as we can. We run the scenarios. We talk it through with friends, weighing the pros and cons. Sometimes we come to a decision, only to wake the next morning to find our resolve has fled like a thief in the night. We procrastinate, hoping for a miracle.

Energy healing tools provide a portal for us to connect with our deep knowingness and the inner guidance we need to navigate through life’s ups and downs.  By uncovering that deeper source of wisdom we are able to redirect down a path that brings our thoughts, words, and deeds into alignment with our Soul. This realignment is the key to inner freedom and allows us to remember who we truly are as divine beings. We are all on a journey to rediscover this about ourselves and to learn to live from this truth. When we integrate the divine light within us, we have the clarity to know everything we encounter, every choice we make, is an opportunity for growth and expansion.

How Energy Work Works

Everything is made of energy and has its own unique vibration, including you. Everything is in a constant state of receiving and radiating energy. The frequency of this energy falls on a spectrum from light to dark. Light energy is infinite, effortless, and rooted in love, while dark, or shadow energy is dense and rooted in fear. As an electromagnetic being, you attract experiences and relationships that match your frequency.

How do you know what frequency you are vibrating at? You may sense this energy by seeing colors or hearing sounds—or you may just know it. If you pause before you think, speak, or act, you can usually sense if you’re spurred by doubt, insecurity, control, or the need to be perfect; or if you’re coming from a place of truth, creativity, and love.

Shadow frequencies block our evolution into the light, but they’re also our doorway to it. Every time we face a difficult challenge, conflict, or decision, we are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy. In these moments, we have a choice about how we want to respond.  We can go toward the light by attempting to learn from the challenge, transmuting that dense energy into higher vibration energy. Or, we can remain entrapped by our pain and continue to draw in experiences that aim to ignite our motivation to grow and change.

The goal of energy work—indeed of any spiritual work—is both to align you with the wisdom of your individual Soul and to connect you with the Divine, God or the Supreme being depending on how you refer to the Source Energy present around and within us.

One effective way to work with energy and my personal favorite, is to “run energy” through the chakras.  According to Ancient Indian wisdom and the earliest forms of Energy Medicine, Chakras are energy centers located in the subtle, or energetic body.  Each Chakra represents an aspect of the human experience and includes both a shadow and light side. When out of balance, pain blocks the flow of energy through the chakra system and we run the risk of trapping pain in areas of our body that can manifest into emotional and physical illness.  In other words, when we are stuck emotionally, energy gets confined and cannot circulate or run its course. Running energy through the Chakras is a form of purification, aimed at removing blockages, clearing the way for the creation of what I call a Vibrational Harmonic. This exercise brings the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the Soul, restoring balance within the system.  Moving dense vibrational energy out and light energy in requires reframing experiences of pain by extracting the inherent wisdom in all suffering. We must learn to adopt practices that assist us in recognizing our essence as one defined by love, truth and creativity. Energy healing practices are among those that can have a powerful and transformative effect on our well being.

Clearing dense energy and connecting with source energy, serves to sharpen our intuition and clarity, making it possible to answer important questions using our own inner guide.  Cultivating these tools helps us to navigate life and relationship with greater ease and grace. You live your life through the voice of your soul.

The Practice of Running Energy

Much like we need to exercise regularly to see the benefits, running energy is something we would all stand to benefit from by incorporating it into our daily Spiritual practice.  Start with small doses. Take 5 or 10 minutes to ground, run and clear your energy twice a day. As your practice develops and the benefits of increased vitality, clarity and focus emerge, you may decide to increase your commitment.  We don’t need a quiet room or tranquil space to run energy. It can be done at anytime—in a meeting, on the train, in line at the market and even during a heated conversation.

If you can’t feel anything at first, that’s okay. Keep going. Ask for the energy to come in and trust that it is there.  Practice makes progress and the more you do it, the sooner you will notice the benefits.

Tip: record the following practice on your phone and play when you need a quick clearing or an energy boost!

Get Grounded

Rarely are we present.  The activities and stressors in daily life send us ruminating in the past or tripping about the future. The practice of getting grounded is the process of bringing ourselves into the present moment. Presence is the doorway to healing and is the necessary first step in bringing our mind, body, emotions and Spirit into attunement.  Follow along:

Step 1: Establish a Grounding Cord from the 1st Chakra

Sit upright with your legs and arms uncrossed.  Firmly place your feet flat on the floor. Visualize a cord or beam of light traveling from your first chakra located at the base of the tailbone directly down to the center of the Earth.

Step 2: Open your 7th Chakra

Visualize a beam of light traveling from the 7th chakra located at the crown of your head directly up, connecting with Divine or Cosmic energy.

Step 3: Call Your Spirit Home

Repeat your full name out loud three times.  Your name is your harmonic and is unique to you.  By repeating your name, you call yourself into the present moment.

Step 4: Establish grounding cords from the Feet Chakras

Wake up the chakras on the bottom of your feet.  With your feet still firmly planted, visualize beams of light traveling from their center down to the crystalline energy at the earth’s core.

Step 5: Run Earth Energy

Now that you have established cords from the first chakra and feet chakras, along with a cosmic cord from the 7th, you are ready to pull earth energy up into all layers of your being.  Earth energy is forest green. Call this energy up from the center of the earth and allow it to travel into the feet, up through the legs, torso and out the crown of your head filling the outer layers of your energy body as far as the Aura’s edge.  The Aura are the layers of energy that surround the physical body with an expanse as far as our arms stretched wide. Once the body and Aura fill with this forest green earth energy allow it to flush down the grounding cord at the first chakra into the center of the earth.

Step 6: Run Forgiveness

Forgiveness energy, also referred to as Christ-Force energy is a translucent gold color with a blue hue.  Just as you did with the earth energy, pull forgiveness energy up through your feet, legs and torso allowing it to flow out the 7th filling the aura.  As it travels through it serves to push away energy that doesn’t serve our highest and best good, making room for our Spirit to fully embody. After you have filled the body and Aura, once again let that energy release down the grounding cord into the center of the earth. Repeat this step 4 times.

Now you are grounded and ready for next steps!

Run Your Energy

Once you’re grounded, you can pull energy through your chakras, cleansing them by running loops and removing blockages.  You know better than anyone what it is that you need. Bring that healing energy in and allow it to wash through your mind, body, spirit, and emotions so that you have the vitality necessary to radiate that same high vibration energy outward.  Deprogramming and healing energies are first on my list of recommendations, along with the energies of Clarity, Love and Trust. These are Divine energies of which there is an infinite source. It is these energies that activate our creativity and provide us with the ingredients to manifest the life we are meant to lead.  

Step 7: Run Energies

While grounding energies travel upward from the center of the earth to fill us and wash down the grounding cord.  The following cosmic energies travel in through the 7th chakra at the crown of the head and travel downward through the chakras and eventually into the grounding cord ending their journey at the center of the earth.  I recommend running these energies 4 times each.

Deprogramming Energy: a deep royal blue color that serves to wash out dense vibrational energies from our system.  Almost like an anticeptic. Repeat this 4 times.

Clarity Energy:  a neon electric blue color that serves to enhance clarity and expand knowingness.

Healing Energy: a green color that serves to heal wounds reminding us that all is, can be and will be well.  

Love and Truth Energy: a golden color that serves to revitalize us with light, reminding us of who we truly are.

Step 8: Replace the Grounding Cord

An important final step in the energy healing process is to replace your old grounding cord with a fresh new one, realigning and anchoring you into present time.  Let all the residual energy run through you and release it down your existing cord. Then remove that cord by envisioning a rose rooted to the earth through its stem.  The rose is symbolic of forgiveness and transmutes dense energy into light. Place your old grounding cord into the center of that rose and allow it to explode over a vast ocean sending its petals down to be rinsed and renewed.  Follow steps 1 thru 4 and off you go fully present and in harmony!