wellsoul workshops

WellSoul Workshops is a company founded by Jakki Smith, energy healer, clairvoyant and soul coach along with Kasey Crown, MA, MFT, psychotherapist, wellness educator and writer. WellSoul Workshops is designed to provide information and tools for connecting you with who you truly are.

Drawing from the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, spiritual psychology and energy medicine, WellSoul’s educational and experiential workshops are focused on promoting integration as a means to optimize overall individual and interpersonal health.

In essence, integration is about repairing, nurturing and enhancing connections in the brain, the body, in our relationships to one another and to the natural and spiritual worlds. By strengthening these essential connections and overcoming the illusions of separateness central to suffering, we increase the flow of energy and information in our lives and give rise to our intuitive clarity and the vitality and creativity needed to thrive.

WellSoul is based on the belief that our greatest capacity for transformation lies in our ability to embody presence through practices of high-frequency intention, focused attention, neutral awareness and wise action. WellSoul offers practical and grounded mindfulness-based cognitive and energy healing tools that can render us free from the emotional experiences and patterns we yearn to let go of. Join us on a wellness journey to learn more about how to harness the wisdom of your mind, body, spirit and relationships to live a life of meaning, joy, purpose and love.....

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